Zhixian Jin Majoring EE @ KAIST

About Me

I am a first year Ph.D. studuent at the School of Electrical Engineering in KAIST, under the guidance of Prof. John Kim.

I love computer architecture :)



  • [MICRO] Zhixian Jin, Jaeguk Ahn, Jiho Kim, Hans Kasan, Jina Song, Wonjun Song, John Kim. "Ghost Arbitration: Mitigating Interconnect Side-Channel Timing Attacks". To Appear In Proceedings of the 57th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Austin, TX, Nov. 2024
  • [MICRO] Zhixian Jin, Christopher Rocca, Jiho Kim, Hans Kasan, Minsoo Rhu, Ali Bakhoda, Tor Aamodt, John Kim. "Uncovering Real GPU NoC Characteristics: Implications on Interconnect Architecture". To Appear In Proceedings of the 57th International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Austin, TX, Nov. 2024